EV Garbage
Electric vehicles are not the future, not yet anyway. With not enough lithium in the world to make cars indefinitely, the corrupt UN and corrupt Governments are pushing something that will destroy us all. If you are listening to paid propaganda by the Governments, the UN and WEF, you are part of the global problem.
Video Credit to TedX Talks
Inconvenient Truth about Electric Cars
video credit to STOSSELTV
The great inconvenient truth of electric battery storage: it would cost $100 trillion to produce enough batteries to store power in Europe for winter. It would take the industry 400 years to build them. The United Nations climate hoax will destroy western life.
Electric Vehicles: A Threat to the Environment
The Scary Truth behind Electric Vehicles
Electric Scooters Dumped in a Landfill
This is the future for electric vehicles. No battery built can keep them going. All the EVs in the world won’t survive the first battery. The batteries to replace will be more expensive than the cars.
They will go to landfill like this.
This is the future – and by then private transport will be finished. You can’t build roads without bitumen.
These Electric green scooters have reached the end of its battery life.
Due to the batteries being so expensive to replace, electric scooters are abandoned because disposing of them any other way is dangerous and expensive.
This is what owners of EVs are contributing to…
Listen to Learn...
The Climate Is No Warmer than it's Been Throughout History
UN owns the Science of Climate Change
Climate Change is a Hoax!!!
Electric Cars Will Strain the Grid if Everyone Goes Electric
Is It Practical To Go Electric?
What's Inside an Energizer Lithium Battery
The One Thing We Miss Out on When Looking at Climate Change
We Are Run By Clowns
How can Solar Panel charge EVs at night? 🤔
Cobalt Miners in Africa Work in Harsh Conditions
China's Electric Vehicle Graveyard
How much energy does it take to fast charge an Electric Vehicle?
The full horror of the UN’s climate fear campaign has been laid bare. There’s not enough lithium & cobalt in the world to replace EV batteries every 10yrs.
Did you know that your EV needs to have its battery replaced every 8 to 10 years? The cost? Between $40,000 to $50,000. So your garbage Electric car lasts only 8 to 10 years while petrol and diesel cars can last up to 60 years…
This is the garbage our children are being fed, buy electric because it has no emissions. GARBAGE…
Net zero will unleash TOTAL untold misery on human society by ruining all power infrastructure with nothing to replace it.
Stop buying Electric cars…it’s that simple.
I think that if you don’t do the full analysis of what the origin of the electrical power is, where it comes from, how you get batteries into these cars, what the cost is in terms of CO2 and the environment, I think the analysis that we are going to save the planet with electric cars is non-sense.